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License Server - Commonly Used Variables

The LSERVOPTS environment variable is used on the license server host system to affect license server performance or configuration. The following options can be set. See also, Ways to Set the License Server Options:

  LSERVOPTS Options Summary



-s license-file

Specifies the name and location of the license code file. By default, the license server will use the file, lservrc, in the local directory. The location of the license code file can also be specified by the environment variable, LSERVRC.


If the license file name is not specified, "lservrc" is used.

-e license-configurationfile

Specifies the name and location of the optional license configuration file, which can contain configuration information for alerts and remap statements for readable license codes.


By default, the license server will use the file, license-file.cnf (appends extension .cnf to the license file path it uses). The location of the configuration file can also be provided by the environment variable, LSERVRCCNF. See Alert Specifications for more details.

-l usage-log-file

Specifies the name and location of the license server’s usage log file, which enables usage logging. By default, usage logging is disabled.

-f <trace-log-file>

Specifies the name and location of the trace file.

-tr <level>

Sets the tracing level defined here.

-z <file-size>

The maximum size of the usage and trace file log (if enabled). The size can be specified in bytes,kilobytes, or megabytes. For instance, -z 2000 means 2000 bytes, -z 2k means 2 kilobytes, -z 2m means 2 megabytes. The default value is 1 megabyte.


Disables automatic backup of the usage and trace log files in case of overflow. The license server will stop writing further records to the file.


By default, when the log file reaches its maximum size the contents of the log file are moved into a new file that has the same name as the original log file but has two numeric digits appended to its name. For example, if the original log file is named lserv.log, the first backup file will be named lserv.log.00. The next time a backup file is created, the new file will use the next available backup number (for example, lserv.log.01).The maximum number of backup files is 99; you can move the existing backup log files to another directory and the license server will begin again with 00.

If clients are connected to the license server when the backup file is created, dummy records are created for any pending transactions in the backup file; corresponding dummy records are created in the new file. The dummy records are identified by the user name LM_SERVER.


If the -x option is specified, the file will not be backed up on overflow.  

-port port-number

The license server port number is used by the TCP/IP protocol when transferring data between the license server and the client. You will rarely need to change this. See License Server - Infrequently Used Variables - LSPORT - Set the License Server TCP/IP Port.

-com percentage

Commuter licensing uses the same license tokens as other network licenses. To ensure that not all license tokens are used up by commuters, set the -com option to the percentage of license tokens you want to be used for commuter licensing. Once that percentage of tokens are used by commuter licenses, no more will be made available to commuters until tokens are returned.

-rlf redundant-license-file

Starts the license server as a redundant license server using the specified redundant license file. You do not need to use this option to start the license server as a redundant license server if a lservrlf redundant license file is in the same directory as the license server.

-lfe encryption-level

Specifies the level of encryption with which license transactions will be written to the license server log file, 1 to 4. For a discussion of why you might want to encrypt transactions and for information on the different levels, see Setting Usage Logging. Note that your vendor can override your encryption level choice for specific license codes.

-u group-reservations-file

Specifies the name and location of the optional group reservations file. By default, the license server uses the lsreserv file in the current directory. The location of the reservations file can also be provided by the environment variable, LSRESERV.


Use this option to specify upgrade license file is missing from the table.


Quiet mode. When this option is specified, the license server will start up quietly without displaying its banner. Unexpected conditions will still be logged as usual. (UNIX only.)

Some license server options have a specific environment variable which can be used to set them. You can also set any of these options using LSERVOPTS but this isn’t recommended. Any settings made with LSERVOPTS override any settings made using a specific environment variable. To avoid contradictory settings, it’s recommended that the specific environment variables be used whenever possible.

For example, to tell the license server running on a Windows computer to set a 2 megabyte limit on the log file, to stop logging when the file size limit is reached, and to start the license server in quiet mode, use the following command:

SET LSERVOPTS=-z 2m -x -q