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Alert Specifications

To enable alerts, the configuration file should contain reference to the feature (available in the license server) for which alert needs to be generated.

Configuration information can be readable license remap statements, alert action statements, etc. The license server is the only entity that deals with alerts. The configuration file is read by the license server and lsdecode, which ignore statements in the configuration file that they are not interested in. If the configuration file does not exist, no alerts will be reported. The file can contain the information on what to do with the alerts. If the configuration file is changed while the license server is running, the license server will need to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

The configuration file, lservrc.cnf, is a general-purpose configuration file. The environment variable LSERVRCCNF can specify the path to the configuration file. The path for <LicenseFile>.cnf is constructed from the license file path the user is using. LicenseFile can be specified using existing methods such as the license server startup -s option, or the LSERVRC environment variable. It is not an error for the configuration file to be missing.

The configuration file is broken into sections, headed by feature and version:

[feature_name1 feature_version1]



. . .



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[feature_name2 feature_version2]



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. . .  

For more detailed information about the configuration file format, contact your vendor.

Each alert-action looks like:

alert-type=reporting-mechanism1 ON/OFF reporting-mechanism2 ON/OFF

Line continuation is not supported, so all email addresses must fit on one long line. The maximum length of a line is 512 characters. We suggest you to refer to the sample configuration file for better understanding.

Each section can contain further customizing statements:


EMAIL=email-addr1 email-addr2...

alert-type can be:

Note: appstart and appstop may generate a lot of network traffic.