You are here: About the RMS License Server > Enable Tracing

Enable Tracing

The tracing messages have been placed in the license server to capture the low-level operations on run-time. This is useful in diagnosing the conditions when errors are encountered on the license server end. You can enable the license server tracing and pass the logs to your vendor/developer for application debugging and troubleshooting.

Levels of Tracing

The RMS license server allows tracing the following activities:

For example, to allow tracing only license keys, use the -tr startup option as follows:

-tr 1

By default, the tracing activity is disabled. If enabled, By default, error tracing level is set. However, it is necessary to set the trace location in order to allow tracing. Setting the trace level alone does not lead to any tracing log. You can use the -f <trace-log-file> option to set the location of the trace file.