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Setting Environment Variables

The method used to set an environment variable varies depending upon the operating system. The following is a summary of the methods used for each operating system.

Note: Please be aware that the environment variable settings are system-wide. If you are using more than one application licensed using Sentinel RMS, the environment variable settings will cause conflict in running these applications.

Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008 UNIX - Bourne or Korn Shell UNIX - C or TCSH Shell
  • In Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008, environment variables are set using the Control Panel > System> Advanced > Environment Variables dialog box. Administrator privileges are needed to change these settings. Each environment variable should be added as a System Variable. The  environment variables are read by the System Services when the computer boots. For Sentinel RMS, the service reads the environment variable without rebooting the system. See the screenshot below for understanding.
  • You can also set certain environment variables (such as LSHOST and LSFORCEHOST) on the system command prompt. For example,


This will set the license server as ACCT_SERVER, unless this setting is overridden.

On UNIX computers using the Bourne or Korn shell, environment variables are set by using the SET command at the command prompt. However, remember to enclose the environment variable parameters in quotation marks, and follow the SET command with an export command.

For example, to set the default license code file name to net2lic, type:

SET LSERVRC=”net2lic”
;export LSERVRC

On UNIX computers using a C or TCSH shell, environment variables are set by using the SETENV command at the command prompt in this format:

SETENV <variable> parameters

For example, to set the default license code file name to net2lic, type:



Setting the License Server Configuration Options Using the LSERVOPTS Environment Variable

See Also: