You are here: About the Sentinel RMS Utilities > lsusage - Display Usage Log

lsusage - the Usage Log File

lsusage displays a summary of application usage, providing information on license transactions contained in the license server usage file. Use lsusage in the following format:

lsusage [options]

One or more of the following options must be specified:

Option Description

-l log-file

Selects the license server log file to display. Must be specified. If this is the only option, the summary will be displayed on the screen.

-d log-output-file

Specifies the name of the output file to which the decrypted output will be written.

-c CSV-format-file

Specifies the name of an output file to which the output will be written in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format. This CSV file can be used with Microsoft Access to produce graphical reports. For further details we suggest you to read through Creating License Server Use Reports.

-f feature1[,version1]:

Specifies feature(s) and version(s) to be included in the output. Note that version is optional. If this option is not supplied, the output will contain all features and versions in the log file.

-m start-month

Specifies the first month (1-12) of the time period to be included in the output. If not specified, then the -a option is ignored and January 1 is assumed for the start month and start day.

-a start-day

Specifies the first day (1-31) of the month to be included in the output. For example, if you have specified March as the start month, specifying a start day of 1 means that the output will be for a time period beginning with March 1. If not included, and the -m option is included, a start day of 1 is assumed.

-y start-year

Specifies the first year of the time period to be included in the output. Use four digits to specify the year. If not included, then -m and -a are ignored and the output begins with the first data in the file.

-M end-month

Specifies the last month (1-12) of the time period to be included in the output. If not specified, then the -A option is ignored and the default value of December 31 is assumed.

-A end-day

Specifies the last day (1-31) of the month to be included in the output. If not included, and the -M option is included, an end day of 31 is assumed.

-Y end-year

Specifies the last year of the time period to be included in the output. Use four digits to specify the year. If not included, then -M and -A are ignored, and the output ends with the last data in the log file.


Displays a list of all options that can be used.