Creating License Server Use Reports

Sentinel RMS Development Kit provides the ability on Windows computers to use Microsoft Access 97 to create graphical reports of license server use. To use this feature, you will need to use the lsusage -c option to create a comma-separated values (CSV) file from the license server log file. See the section above for information on this option. By use of other lsusage options, you can create an output file with use data for specific features and for specific time periods. Once you have created the CSV file, here is how to create graphical reports:

Note: You must have Microsoft Access 97 on the computer on which you want to run reports. Also, keep the number of features for which you are generating reports to a reasonable number (15 to 20) or the reports may not be very easy to read because there simply won’t be room for a clear display.

To Import the CSV File


In Microsoft Access, not all file types are installed by default. If you do not have the text file type installed, run the Access Setup program, click Add/ Remove, then select Data Access and Change Option to install the text file type.

Creating Reports

Once the log file use data is imported into the Lservlog table as discussed above, you can now create reports for that data.

  1. Within Microsoft Access, open the ReportDB.mdb file. You will immediately see the Sentinel RMS Development Kit report selection screen.
  2. You can now select the date range of the report by specifying Start Date and End Date.
  3. Now select the type of report you want to create.

Note: The "per user" and "per host" versions of the reports mentioned below also exist.


When using lsusage to create the CSV file that is the input to these reports, you can limit the data to usage information for specific features and versions.