You are here: About the Sentinel RMS Utilities > lslic - Install/Delete a License Code

lslic - Install/Delete a License Code

The lslic utility installs or deletes a license. lslic can be run on Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008 and UNIX. It can be run from the operating system command prompt by an administrative user on a stand-alone, client, or license server computer. It works for both stand-alone and network computers.  Use lslic in the following format:

lslic [option]

Tips on Using lslic

lslic Options

Option Description

Add to license server only

-a license-code

Adds a license code to the contacted license server without updating the license file. (Change is temporary until the license server is restarted.)

-f filename

Adds all the license codes in the supplied file to the contacted license server without updating the license file (lservrc). (Change is temporary until the license server is restarted.)

Add to license server and normal/redundant license file

-A license-code

Adds a license code to the license server’s license file (lservrc) and communicates the change to the contacted license server. (Change is permanent.)

-F filename

Adds all the license codes in the supplied file to the license server’s license file (lservrc) and communicates the new information to the contacted license server. (Change is permanent.)

Remove license from license server only

-df  feature_name feature_version [capacity | NOLIMIT]

License(s) with specified feature name and version are deleted from the license server memory.


Removes all license codes (redundant and non-redundant) from the license server but does not delete them form the license file. (Temporary change.)

-removeallcap [feature version]

Removes capacity for specific license from the license server but does not delete them from the license file.

Remove license from license server and license file

-DL feature-name
feature version
license hash
[capacity | NOLIMIT]

License with specified feature_name, version and license hash is deleted from the license server memory and file.

Tip: The license hash can be obtained using the lsmon utility.

Set trial license precedence

-p feature-name
feature version
license hash

Sets the precedence of a trial license.

The license hash can be obtained from WlmAdmin or lsmon.

To pause the lslic utility


Pauses the utility and then shows the output in another console. Only for Windows Vista and Server 2008.