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What is Commuter Licensing?

Commuter licensing allows you to temporarily use a licensed application on a portable computer that is not connected to the network. The most common use of commuter licensing is when a user of your network needs to travel on business and wants to take along the licensed application. If the license code for that application has been defined by your vendor to allow commuter licensing, the network user can check out an authorization to use the application for the duration of the trip, and then check the authorization back in on returning.

Directly Obtaining Commuter Licenses

To directly check out an authorization, the portable computer (for example, a laptop) on which the application will be used must be attached to the network and have access to a license server containing licenses for that application. The application must also be installed on that laptop. After checking out an authorization, the user may disconnect the laptop from the network.

Remotely Obtaining Commuter Licenses

A license can also be checked out for a computer that does not have direct access to the server. In such a case, any system that can access the license server can check out the license for a remote system by using remote checkout.

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