You are here: About Commuter Licensing > Remotely Obtaining Commuter Licenses > Overview of Remotely Obtaining Commuter Licenses

Overview of Remotely Obtaining Commuter Licenses

WRCommute (the Windows-interface utility) and rcommute (the Windows/UNIX command-line utility) are provided to allow the remote user to generate a commuter locking code to send to the local user checking out the commuter authorization from the Sentinel RMS license server, and also to install the commuter authorization received from the network user.

Here is an overview of how to obtain and install a remote commuter authorization:

  1. A remote user runs WRCommute or rcommute to generate a commuter locking code for the remote computer, and sends the commuter locking code to the local user who has access to the Sentinel RMS license server.

Note: The commuter locking code used to lock a commuter authorization is not the same as the locking code displayed by echoid. You must use WRCommute or rcommute to obtain it.

  1. The local user runs WCommute or lcommute (entering the remote user’s commuter locking code) to check out a remote commuter authorization, and sends it to the remote user.
  2. The remote user runs WRCommute or rcommute to install the remote commuter authorization.

Note: A remote commuter authorization cannot be checked back into the license server, but will simply expire on the remote computer.