You are here: About the Sentinel RMS Utilities > Using Wcommute

Using WCommute

Your network administrator will give you instructions on where to find the WCommute utility. Within Windows Explorer, navigate to the WCommute.exe file and double-click it to run it.

Using Wcommute, you can do the following:

Directly Checking out a Commuter License

  1. To find an authorization for the commuter license you want to use, click Search Subnet to see commuter licenses available on all license servers on your part of the network within the given subnet. If there is a specific license server you want to search or want to select a license server outside of your subnet, click Single Server.
    If you have clicked Single Server, a dialog box displays asking you to enter the name of the license server you want to contact. Enter the license server computer’s host name or IP address and click OK. On clicking Search Subnet you may need to wait for a minute or two while Wcommute searches the subnet for license servers.
  1. Wcommute displays the changes after you have selected the license servers for which you want to see commuter licenses.
    For each license server, you see a list of commuter licenses for which you can check out an authorization. If you see a red check mark next to a commuter license, that means that an authorization has already been checked out to your portable computer. You may not check out an authorization if it is already checked out.

Note: If the license server and WCommute utility are running on the same system, then the IP address and host name cannot be used interchangeably with "localhost."

  1. To check out an authorization, select the license under a license server. The Enter number of days until the commuter authorization expires text box becomes active. You can either specify the number of days or select the No Limit check box (for unlimited check-out duration). By checking out an authorization to use the application, you decrease the number of available uses of the application for other network users, so specify the minimum number of days that you need.
    Next click Check Out. Remember the name of the license server from which you obtained the authorization. You will need to check the authorization back into the same license server later.

Checking in a Commuter License

To check in an authorization, look for the license under the license server from which you checked it out. Click once on it in the display to select it. (There should be a red check mark next to it, indicating that you have it checked out.) Click Check In.

Note: You must check the authorization back into the same license server from which you checked it out.

Checking out a Remote Commuter License

  1. Run WCommute and select the commuter authorization you want to use from the network as you normally would.
  2. Select the Check out authorization for remote machine check box and click Check Out. Now WCommute displays the Locking Code for Remote Machine dialog box.
  3. Provide the commuter locking code using any of the following methods:
  4. To type the commuter locking code received from the remote user, select Enter the locking code for remote machine and type it in the text box.
  5. To paste the commuter locking code from the computer clipboard, click the Paste from Clipboard icon.
  6. To choose the commuter locking code from a file, select Get locking code for remote machine from file and type the file name in the text box or use the Browse button to find it.
  1. Click OK. The Remote Commuter Licensing dialog box appears.
  2. Send the commuter authorization to a remote user using any of the following methods:
  3. Type an email address in the Email address text box and click Send.
  4. To save the commuter authorization to a file, click the Save to File icon.