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Advanced Topics

Locking the Authorization

An authorization is locked to the portable computer using parameters set by your application vendor. These parameters might be hard disk ID, hostname, IP address, Ethernet card address and so on. If for some reason you need to change which elements are used to lock the authorization, contact your application vendor for assistance.

Restricting Commuter Licensing

Commuter licensing uses up the same license tokens as other types of licensing. If you want to restrict the percentage of license tokens on a specific license server that can be used by commuter licensing authorizations, use the -com option when you start the license server. For more details we suggest you to read through License Server - Commonly Used Variables.

This makes sure that commuter licensing does not use up all of the license tokens needed by other users of the application on the network.

Commuter Licensing Authorization Check In Policy

When checking out an authorization, the user may request authorization for a specific number of days or unlimited duration (valid up to the license expiration). Since the authorization may expire after the specified number of days, you may choose to instruct the user not to bother checking the authorization in after returning. On the other hand, if you are in danger of running out of license tokens for that application, you may want to encourage users always to check authorizations back in as soon as possible.

Also, note that the commuter licensing user must check an authorization back into the same license server from which the authorization was checked out.