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About Computer Fingerprints and Locking Codes

Many applications are licensed to run on specific computers. The restrictions on which computers the application is allowed to run are stored in the license code. When an application is purchased, its license code must include the information needed to identify a specific computer. The information that can be used to identify a computer is called its fingerprint.

The fingerprint might include the computer’s network address, disk ID, the Computer ID key, and so on. Your vendor can select how much of this information is required to establish a computer’s identity.

Hence, the first step in creating a license code that is restricted to a particular computer is to run a utility that collects the information your vendor requires for computer identification. This utility collects this information and generates a locking code—a string, like shown below:  

*1KM VW64 SS28 Q9MT

You provide this locking code to your vendor using a telephone or the Internet and your vendor produces a license code that specifies all authorized uses and includes the locking code.

About Demo Applications

Some applications are licensed without computer restrictions. Demonstration software is often licensed in this manner. Typically, demonstration software is licensed for a limited period of time so computer restrictions are not required. This kind of software is often shipped with a license code that can be installed automatically. This software may then be used until the license expires. To run the application again, you will need to contact your vendor for obtaining a permanent license code.

Note: If your application came with a license code, you can skip the details for getting your computer locking code and installing a license code.

See Also: