- A. Carpentier,
R. Munos, and
A. Antos,
"Adaptive strategy for stratified Monte Carlo sampling," (508k)
Journal of Machine Learning Research,
16 (Nov): 2231-2271, 2015.
Also presented at:
NIPS 2011, Granada, Spain, Dec 12-17, 2011.
- A. Antos,
G. Bartók,
D. Pál, and
Cs. Szepesvári,
"Toward a classification of finite partial-monitoring games," (517k)
Theoretical Computer Science, special issue: Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2010)
(Eds.: M. Hutter, F. Stephan, V. Vovk, T. Zeugmann),
473 (2013):77-99, Feb 18, 2013.
Also: arXiv
- A. Antos,
V. Grover, and
Cs. Szepesvári,
"Active learning in heteroscedastic noise," (354k)
Theoretical Computer Science, special issue: Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2008)
(Eds.: Y. Freund, L. Györfi, Gy. Turán, T. Zeugmann),
411 (29-30):2712-2728, June 2010.
- A. Antos and
M. Pintér,
"Nemparaméteres függvénybecslések"
(Nonparametric function estimation) (216k),
Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok, 21 (1):99-129, 2004.
- A. Antos,
L. Györfi, and
M. Kohler,
"Lower bounds on the rate of convergence of nonparametric regression estimates,"
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 83:91-100, 2000.
Preprint 98-11, Universität Stuttgart, Math. Inst. A, D-70511 Stuttgart, June 1998.
- A. Antos,
L. Devroye, and
L. Györfi,
"Lower bounds for Bayes error estimation,"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 21 (7):643-645, 1999.
- A. Antos,
"Rekurzív számháromszögek periodicitásáról"
(About the periodicity of recursive number triangles),
Elektronikai technológia - Mikrotechnika, 30:212-213, 1992.
A. Millinghoffer,
M. Antal,
M. Marosi,
A. Formanek,
A. Antos, and
P. Antal,
"Boosting multitask decomposition: directness, sequentiality, subsampling, cross-gradients,"
In Twenty-Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
(AIME 2024),
Salt Lake City, Utah, July 9-12, 2024
G. Neu,
A. György,
Cs. Szepesvári, and
A. Antos,
"Online Markov decision processes under bandit feedback,"
Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
(NIPS 2010),
Vancouver, B.C., December 6-9, 2010.
- A. Antos,
V. Grover, and
Cs. Szepesvári,
"Active learning in multi-armed bandits," (.?.k)
In 19th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory,
ALT 2008, Proceedings,
Budapest, Hungary, October 13-16, 2008.
Eds.: Y. Freund, L. Györfi, Gy. Turán, T. Zeugmann, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, October 2008
(v.5254 of LNCS/LNAI), pages
- A. Antos,
Cs. Szepesvári, and
R. Munos,
"Value-iteration based fitted policy iteration: learning with a single trajectory,"
In 2007 IEEE Symposium on Approximate Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning
(ADPRL 2007),
Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1-5, 2007.
IEEE, Apr 2007, pages 330-337.
- A. Antos,
Cs. Szepesvári, and
R. Munos,
"Learning near-optimal policies with Bellman-residual minimization based fitted policy iteration and a single sample path," (216k)
In The Nineteenth Annual Conference on Learning Theory,
COLT 2006, Proceedings,
Pittsburgh, PA, June 22-25, 2006.
Eds.: G. Lugosi, H.U. Simon, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, June 2006
(v.4005 of LNCS/LNAI), pages
Also presented at:
Mathematical Foundations of Learning Theory -II
Paris, France, May 31-June 3, 2006.
Extended version with detailed proofs:
- A. Antos,
"Improved minimax bounds on the test and training distortion of empirically designed vector quantizers,"
In The Eighteenth Annual Conference on Learning Theory,
COLT'05, Proceedings,
Bertinoro, Italy, June 27-30, 2005.
Eds.: P. Auer, R. Meir, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, June 2005
(v.3559 of LNCS/LNAI), pages
Also presented at:
Groupe de Travail Apprentissage (Training Working Group),
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, Nov 20, 2006.
Watch/listen the talk here!
and as Invited Talk at:
Artificial Intelligence Seminar,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Apr 20, 2007.
- A. Antos,
I. Kontoyiannis,
"Estimating the entropy of discrete distributions,"
In Proceedings 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
(ISIT 2001),
Washington, D.C., June 24-29, 2001. page 45.
Also presented at:
Second Stochastics Seminar Stuttgart-Budapest,
Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, Oct 9 and 12, 2000.
- A. Antos,
"On nonparametric estimates of the expectation,"
In Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics
(A Volume in Honour of Pál Révész)
(Fourth Hungarian Colloquium on Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics),
Balatonlelle, Hungary, June 28-July 2, 1999.
Eds.: I. Berkes, E. Csáki, M. Csörgõ,
J. Bolyai Mathematical Sociaty, Budapest, 2002, pages 101-112.
Also presented at:
Seminars, Technical University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, Oct 4-6, 1999.
- A. Antos,
"Lower bounds on the rate of convergence of nonparametric pattern recognition,"
In Computational Learning Theory: 4th European Conference,
EuroCOLT'99, Proceedings, Nordkirchen, Germany, March 29-31, 1999.
Eds.: P. Fischer, H.U. Simon, Springer, Berlin, 1999
(v.1572 of LNCS/LNAI), pages 241-252.
(IFIP WG 1.4: Student Author Award)
Also presented at:
Austrian, Hungarian and Slovenian Joint Meeting of Young Statisticians,
Piran, Slovenia, Oct 1998 and
Seminars, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, Apr 1, 1999.
- A. Antos and
G. Lugosi,
"Strong minimax lower bounds for learning,"
In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory
Desenzano del Garda, Italy, June 28-July 1, 1996.
Eds.: A. Blum, M. Kearns, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 1996, pages 303-309.