You are here: About the Sentinel RMS Utilities > lswhere - Display a List of License Servers

lswhere - Display a List of License Servers

lswhere command displays the network names of the computers running the license server. By default, lswhere displays for each license server the address of the computer on which that license server is running as well as its host name.

When using lswhere with the -d option you see the following information for each license server found on the network:

Server Address:
Server Name: Sales
Is Redundant: YES
Total Clients: 0
Protocols: TCP/IP

Where Server Address may be the IP address; Server Name is the host name of the computer on which the license server runs; Is Redundant tells you if the license server is redundant or non-redundant; Total Clients tells how many clients are being serviced by this license server at this time; and, Protocols indicates which communication protocols can be used to communicate with the license server.

lswhere can be run on Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008 and UNIX. lswhere should be run from the operating system command prompt by an administrator or application user on a stand-alone, client, or license server computer.

lswhere should be run in the following format:

lswhere [option]

You may specify one of the following options:

Option Description


Displays details on the license servers found on the network.


Displays only the IP addresses of the license servers found on the network (resolves the host names).

Note: lswhere can also be run without specifying any command line options.