You are here: About the Sentinel RMS Utilities > Using rlftool to Create or Edit a Redundant License File

Using rlftool to Create or Edit a Redundant License File

rlftool is a command line utility for Windows and UNIX. On a Windows computer, use rlftool from within an MS-DOS window. However, you may find using the Windows-interface WRlfTool program more convenient than using rlftool.

Note: If you are editing an existing redundant license file, to avoid synchronization problems because someone else is adding licenses in the redundant license file while you have it open, we recommend you make a copy of the file under another name, make your changes, and then rename it back to its original name when you are done. The changes you make to the redundant license file will not take effect until you copy the changed file to a redundant license server in the pool (or edit it directly on the license server using the precautions discussed above) and then restart that server.

Using the rlftool Menu

To use rlftool in menu mode to create a new redundant license file, from DOS type:


Or, to modify an existing redundant license file, type:

rlftool -l redundant-license-file

You then see a menu that lists the rlftool options. Type the number of the option you want to use and press Return. (At a minimum, you will want to use option 1 to create a new file, option 2 to add license servers to the pool, and then option 7 to add license codes.) To exit and save the file, type 12 and press Return.

Two options available when using rlftool in menu mode that are not available as command-line options are:

To use rlftool's tool command-line option, type rlftool followed by any of the desired options except -l (which will take you to the menu).