The Redundant License Free Pool

In addition to distributing license tokens among redundant license servers, Sentinel RMS Development Kit may also place some of those tokens in a free pool. (You can see how license tokens are distributed among redundant license servers and how many are in the free pool by using WlmAdmin or lspool.)

The free pool is a temporary storage location for license tokens. Tokens are placed in the free pool when you do not allocate all license tokens for a feature/version to the redundant license servers; leftover tokens go into the free pool.

As license balancing occurs, license tokens will be automatically redistributed from the free pool to the redundant license server requesting tokens. Or, the administrator can use lspool to clear the free pool by increasing the number of tokens distributed among the redundant license servers. When the free pool is empty and a license server requests more tokens, the leader license server takes away unused tokens from other license servers and assigns them to the requesting license server.