Sample Configuration File

An example configuration file is shown below:

# This file remaps the keyword "LONG" to "lng" for all readable

# licenses for feature DOTS (any version).

# It also provides alert actions for all features licensed

# by the license server.

# Note that the alert actions that apply to all non-DOTS

# features do NOT apply to DOTS since DOTS has its own section.

[DOTS *] # For DOTS, we generate only the denied alert

LONG=lng                           # Remap statement

denied = Script OFF  Email ON

EMAIL = jsmith@Engr1


[* *] # For non-DOTS apps, we generate most of the alerts

softlimit = SCRIPT OFF EMAIL ON   # Alert action statement

hardlimit = SCRIPT On  EMAIL On

denied = Script on  Email ON       # This better not happen

apptimeout = script on  Email off

expired = SCRIPT on  email on

EMAIL = mark@jupiter

SCRIPT = /usr/local/etc/lsalertscr

One section of the file can specify only a single alert script and a single email address. For all alerts enabled in one section, the same alert script will be invoked.