You are here: About License Revocation > Revoking a License

Revoking a License

  1. Open the WlmAdmin utility.
  2. Enumerate the license servers in the left-hand pane of the main window.
  3. Select a license server from the list and verify the license server's version. It must be 8.0.x or higher.
  4. Double-click the selected server to view the feature(s).  
  5. Select the feature to be revoked.
  6. Click Revoke License on the short-cut menu shown after right-clicking the feature. The Revoke License dialog box appears.
  7. Specify a value in Number of License to Revoke. Please note that it must not exceed the maximum licenses available. You may want to wait for revoking the licenses, till the required number of licenses are released (if being used).     
  8. Specify the same revocation password you specified in step 3 of generating a password.   
  9. Click the Revoke button.
  10. In the message shown click Yes to revoke the licenses. When the licenses are successfully revoked, a license revocation ticket (LRT) is displayed.
  11. To complete the revocation process, you must send the license revocation ticket to your developer. You may use any of the following option:

Copies the license revocation ticket to Clipboard.

Copies the license revocation ticket to a file.


Displays the license revocation ticket in a separate dialog box from which it can be copied as well.