You are here: Readying Up a License Server Client > Test the "Named License Server Method of Locating a License Server

Test the "Named License Server Method" of Locating a License Server

You can test the configuration using the following steps:

  1. Follow the steps given for the broadcast method until the client computer is able to find each license server that you want. If you are using the named license server method because the client computer and license server are not on the same subnet, then you may want to skip right to the last step and just use ping.
  2. If you can ping a license server when you specify its address by number but can’t do this when you specify the address as a name, then your client computer has a problem with network domain name resolution. In this case you can either solve this problem or just provide the numeric form of the address to Sentinel RMS. Of course, if your license server is dynamically assigned a numeric network address, you will have to solve the name resolution problem. If you don’t, then the next time the license server is assigned a new, numeric network address, the applications will no longer be able to find the license server.
  3. Now, set the LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment on the client computer to the name of the license server. The LSHOST and LSFORCEHOST naming conventions are:
  1. Test the LSHOST setting by running the lsmon utility on the client computer or specifying the computer on which the license server is running. If the name is correct, lsmon will be able to report status on the selected license server.
    An application that supports both stand-alone and network license codes treats LSHOST as advisory. The application will first try to obtain a license by checking with all license servers listed in LSHOST.
  2. You can now test the application. It should be able to obtain a license. If it does not, then you should run WlmAdmin (for Windows) and verify that the license server has a license that authorizes use of an application on the client computer.