You are here: Setting Group Reservations > Manually Editing the Reservation File

Manually Editing the Reservation File

For UNIX computers, you will need to edit the reservation file manually rather than using the WlsGrMgr utility.

A group specification consists of:

Group reservations should be entered according to the following format, with one group per line:

feature_name[ ,ver ]:group_name:num_of_licenses:{ user_name | computer }

One or more of user_name and/or computer may be specified, but at least one value must be specified in the last field. Version number is optional. If no version number is specified, only the feature name is used.


The characters $ and ! have special meaning: $ indicates the computer name, and ! indicates a logical NOT.

For example, two users, one computer in group 1:

stars:group1:2:tom bryant $athena

One user, one computer in group 2:

stars:group2:1:doug $0x4f3c5801

One computer to be excluded from dots, two licenses to be reserved for jill:

dots:group1:2:!$0x592ae8b0 jill

Note: In these examples, the two groups denoted as group1 are distinct because they specify different feature names.

You can also edit a reservation file manually, on Windows as shown below:

featurename,[version],capacity of license,flag,team group name,tokens reserved for teamgroup,capacity reserved:teams included

featurename,[version],capacity of license,flag,user groupname,team,sharing tokens reserved,capacity reserved:users included

The flag value can be any of the below:

Taking into example a Pooled capacity license with capacity 3000, hard limit 4 and sharing limit 5 then the following file

f1,v1,3000:0:TG1:2:1000:team1 team2 team3

f1,v1,3000:1:UG1:team1:3:500:user1 user2

will reserve 2 tokens(out of 4) and 1000 capacity for team group TG1 consisting of team1,team2,team3. Among the users of team1, 3 sharing tokens (out of 5) and 500 capacity are reserved for user1 and user2 .