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How Does the Reservation File Work?

The reservation file tells how many license tokens are reserved for members of different groups. For example, the Sales department could be a group with ten members for which 15 license tokens are reserved. The members might be network users or specific computers on the network. The reservation file might also tell that certain members of the group are excluded from taking license tokens.

When the license server receives a request, it checks whether the user making the request belongs to a group. If so, and license tokens are available for that group, the license server will issue the token(s) and decrement the token count on the license server. Otherwise, requests will be serviced with tokens that have not been reserved and that are available. Users for whom tokens have been reserved have first call on available tokens.

At start up, the license server consults the environment variable, LSRESERV, for the path and file name of the reservation file. If the variable is not set, the local directory is searched for the file, lsreserv. If no file is found, the license server assumes that no reservations exist.

Reservation File Characteristics

The following apply to groups: