You are here: Setting Group Reservations > Editing the Reservation File on Windows (WlsGrMgr)

Editing the Reservation File on Windows (WlsGrMgr)

On Windows computers, the WlsGrMgr utility can be used to create or edit a reservation file. You can call WlsGrMgr from within WlmAdmin by using the WlmAdmin Edit > Reservation File command.

Note: If you create a new reservation file in a directory containing an existing reservation file, WlsGrMgr will append a number to the name of the new reservation file to avoid overwriting the existing one (for example, lreserv1, lreserv2, and so on).

  1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the location of the Wlsgrmgr.exe file. Double-click the file to access the WlsGrMgr screen (the exact location of the file depends on your application vendor’s installation directory).
  2. To make a new reservation file, select the New command from the File menu. Or use the Open command on the File menu to edit an existing reservation file.
  3. To add definitions for who can use license tokens for specific licenses, select Add from the Feature menu. The Add License Reservation Wizard appears.
  4. Click Next. The wizard asks for the feature name, feature version, and capacity of the license. After entering that information, click Next.
  5. If your feature is a capacity feature the wizard will ask you to specify the type of capacity reservation. You can specify if the capacity reservation is for teams, users/hosts, or non-capacity shared license. Next, the wizard will prompt you to specify the Team group name, Tokens and Capacity for the team.
  6. If you feature is a non-capacity feature the wizard asks for a Group name and the number of tokens to reserve for that group.
  1. If your feature is a non-capacity feature the wizard asks for  Name of the Member, if the specified member is a User or a Machine and also if the member is allowed or not allowed to run the application.
  1. Click OK to finish the definition. Once one or more users are defined, you can click Remove All to remove all of them and start over or select a specific member and click Remove to remove just that member.
  2. Click Finish to go back to the main screen. The groups and members are updated on the WLSGRMGR main screen.
  3. After at least one feature has been defined, you can define another group to use that feature. To add a new group select Add from the Group menu. Do not add the same users or computers to different groups using the same feature.
  4. After specifying your choices, restart the license server.

Note: The Add License Reservation Wizard shows the Feature Version as an optional field. So, for a license having both feature name & version, the version must be specified but for a license having only feature name but no version, this field must be left blank.