You are here: Setting User Alerts > EMAIL


Email alerts are available on both Windows and UNIX computers, but are configured differently for each.

Configuring Email Alerts for Windows

On Windows computers, the license server calls the lsmail utility to send email alerts using SMTP. Here is how to use lsmail:

  1. Set up the alert information section of the license server configuration file and use the EMAIL statement to enable email alerts.
    The file lsmail.exe  should be in the directory in which the license server resides.
  2. Run lsmail.exe. The first time it is run, it will ask for the SMTP server address (the mail server). The default port number used is 25 and the sender name is Sentinel RMS License Manager.

Note: An anti-virus or such a program may block the SMTP port and then alert generation via e-mail will fail. Hence, make sure that SMTP is unblocked on the license server host.

  1. lsmail will automatically be called by the license server to send email when the alert action specified in the license server configuration file occurs.

If you want to run lsmail manually, its options are:

Option Description

-t recipient-name

Email address of the person who will receive the alert message.

-m message-text

Text of the alert message.

-s subject

Subject (if your email program accepts a subject argument).

To test lsmail, at the DOS prompt type (specifying your email address) say:

lsmail -t "" -m "This is a test" -s "Test"

Configuring Email Alerts for UNIX

The mail sending program to use can be customized via the MAILPGM environment variable. If MAILPGM is not set, the first program found from the following locations will be used. Search the path in the license server’s start-up environment (PATH environment variable). Any command/shell aliases will be ignored.

If no program is found via search or MAILPGM, the email mechanism will be off. The mail program will be invoked in a manner equivalent to:

MAILPGM email-recipient-list text-of-alert-message

No subject is provided.

If your mail program accepts a subject via the -s option, you could use:

MAILPGM= /usr/ucb/mail -s "Alert message"

to receive a subject for outgoing alert email.

The configuration file is read once per feature and version on the first addition of that feature (not necessarily at the license server start time), and the statements for that feature and version are cached. If you change the entries applicable to a feature, you should restart the license server.