Who Should Read This Help?

This Help is targeted at the following audience:

Note: The help contains details of all the options, some of which might not be supported by your application. For example, a stand-alone application user will find the details related to license server configuration or commuter licensing irrelevant. In that case, you should ignore those details. For additional assistance, please contact your software vendor  

Conventions Used in This Help

Please note the following conventions used in this guide:

Conventions Used Meaning


Denotes syntax, prompts and code examples. Bold Courier type represents characters that you type.


Denotes additional information related to the current topic.


Denotes tricks or information to get started faster.


Denotes information that you must pay heed to.


Denotes links connecting one section to another.

Italic Lettering

Words in italic type represent file names and directory names.

Bold Lettering

Words in boldface type represent keystrokes, menu items, window names or fields.

Methods to Navigate This Help

Here are the navigation methods for using this Help:

Option Description


Click the Chapter icon to expand the list of topics included. Click the Topic icon to display the topic information.


Select a keyword and then click Display to display the associated topic.


Type a word or phrase, then click Go. A list of related helpful topics will appear. Double-click the topic you want to view.

See Also

Links that contain related information.